Welcome! My name is Aliyah.

I am a Creative with a strong background in visual communications and marketing. I’ve studied Advertising, Web Design, and UX Design and want to build connections between brands and their customers!

My Work

Southern Self Storage

A self-storage company with facilities in 6 states and Puerto Rico. Campaigns, Raffles, & Collections for the Community

Ads & More

From Print and Web Advertisements to Website Promotion Graphics and More. Currently being updated.

Branding & Identity

Logos and custom designs. Currently being updated.



A social media app to provide real-time feedback to users.

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Pretty Penny

Investing Education for All

An investing education app designed for everyone.



5 Day Design Sprint

A website to help users find their dream dog within the restraints of their city lives.


Graphic Design Work

Freelance Graphic Designer


Got an idea? Want to work together? Or maybe chat about fonts? Feel free to reach out!
